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  • Kategorie:
    Tanz Kreieren Meditation alle...
    Sinnlichkeit / Körper
    Gemeinschaft / Netzwerk / Kreis
    Zeremonie / Ritual
  • Präsenz: Vor Ort
  • Dauer: verlĂ€ngertes Wochenende
  • Raum: Tipi Dorf
  • Member: Pablo Escorcia
  • Regelmäßigkeit: Einmalig
  • Anmeldung: Anmeldung nötig
  • Status: PlĂ€tze frei


Beschreibung Event

What if Regeneration
isn't something we 'do,' but a way that we 'are'?
We live in a rapidly changing world, and in order to make sense of it, we must also transform. Our ways of living and of making sense of the world have been both very successful and at the same time, they have created existential threats that put in danger the future of life on this planet. We are the ones called to lead this transformation by learning, and cultivating regenerative ways of living, relating, and working.

Roots and Rhythms is grounded in the belief that humans are inherently regenerative. Just as the sun rises and sets, flowers bloom and return to earth, and the tides ebb and flow, we, too, are part of the natural rhythms of life. These same rhythms govern the beating of our hearts, the expansion and contraction of our breath, and the cyclical nature of our bodies.

At its core, regeneration invites us to reconnect with the natural world within and around us. It is about remembering how to live in balance with ourselves and with nature. By embracing reciprocity— we can live in harmony with both our inner rhythms and the world’s natural patterns to transform our lives and the way we relate to each other and the planet.

We envision a space for:

Slowing down: Allowing our bodies to ground and land with the earth and each other so that we can become receptive to being nurtured and begin to listen more deeply.
Moving/Being moved: Waking up & inhabiting our vessels/bodies through dance and embodiment practices, becoming more intimate with life and allowing it to guide and ‘move us.’
Relating: Cultivating our relational skills with each other through practices that support our attunement, expression and communication, allowing for more depth and healing through our being together. Creating lasting connections with like-minded individuals committed to regenerative living.
Exploring: Bringing our curiosity to our challenges and what might get in the way of our embodying regeneration.
Honouring: Coming into humility and reverence for life through ceremonies and rituals that return us to our sense of sacredness.
We – Pablo and Ruby – don’t have all the answers to what embodying regeneration looks like or how we might transition there in these often overwhelming times of complexity. But we do share a passion for creating spaces where we can be with our questions and curiosities and harness our collective wisdom together. We believe that each of us plays a role in transforming this world, and we want to invite you into a space where you feel emboldened in being the change.

By the end of the retreat, you will leave with a renewed spirit—ready to dream boldly and take actionable steps toward becoming a creator of the new world. This gathering is more than just a retreat; it is an invitation to reimagine and regenerate our future by drawing strength from the past and present, aligning with the natural rhythms that sustain us.
Prices and Registration
The Gathering is only for 50 people, so we can really experience living like a tribe. These prices include a joint accommodation in a (heated) Tipi, three meals per day, access to a kitchen, access to a meditation room, and access to all the amenities that the location has to offer.

First 20 signups €625
Signups from 21 to 40 €750
Signups from 41 to 50 €850
For you to register to the gathering, we would like to ask you to apply by filling up this short form. As soon as we get it, we will get back to you with the details you need to secure your spot.

What do you need to bring with you?

Sleeping bag and isomat
Water bottle
Clothes to dance in
Clothes to be around the fire

Eigenschaften Event Roots and Rhythms

  • Raum: Tipi Dorf

  • Member: Pablo Escorcia

  • Dauer: verlĂ€ngertes Wochenende
  • Anmeldung: Anmeldung nötig

  • Kategorie:
    Sinnlichkeit / Körper
    Gemeinschaft / Netzwerk / Kreis
    Zeremonie / Ritual
  • Status: PlĂ€tze frei
  • Präsenz: Vor Ort
  • Sprache: Deutsch und Englisch (doppelt)

  • Regelmäßigkeit: Einmalig
  • Wiederholung: keine Wiederholung

Lage Event





    • keine Angabe
    • Breitengrad : 50.356700
    • LĂ€ngengrad : 6.768280


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